Monday, July 9, 2012

How To Enjoy A Tanzania Safari

Tanzania is a land full of extreme diversities that can be best explained using one word; heavenly. This is so because the experience that one gets once in this beautiful land is the feeling of extreme peace and harmonious promises both in tourism and in the people. The tourism in Tanzania is extensive just as the country is in terms of culture and land massiveness. Having a Tanzania safari will mean that one can choose to visit a wide range of areas that boast of the best accommodations together with the best wildlife.

Traditionally, Tanzania safaris have been concentrated in the north which happens to harbour Serengeti national park. There is also the famous and the symbol of Tanzania, Mt. Kilimanjaro. The north is popular with tourist mainly because of the eighth wonder of the world, which is the migration of over a million wildebeests from Kenya to Tanzania and vice versa. Many love to watch the hunting of the wildebeests and other herbivores by the big five cats and other predators.

A Tanzania safari will however include other areas of this great land and a person should be prepared and brace themselves for a true bush safari. Ruaha National Park will be one such place where one can watch a wide variety of herbivores in addition to some felines that lord over the park. The park is situated in the southern part of Tanzania. Going further south you will land in Usungu National Reserve which exhibits just as many grazing animals as felines. A bush tour is ideal here.

Mahale Mountains National Park would be the other tourist ideal destination. The park exhibits plentiful of chimps and it has the equatorial-like climate because it is located at the shores of the big beautiful of Lake Tanganyika. It is just 60 miles south of the exact place that Stanley uttered the now immortal words, 'Dr. Livingstone, I presume?' The park is ideal for those who love nature walks through forests and it would be the ideal distraction from the traditional north tours.

Planning for a Tanzania safari would mean that one gets to locate the destinations to frequent or stop over before embarking on the journey. This is mainly so because the distances are extreme and the roads though okay if using a 4X4, not very ideal if you are to drive 100kilometeres across the land.

The most extra ordinary thing that every visitor learns here is the fact that Tanzania has over 100 ethnicities and each and every one is at peace with each other, in fact the love flowing throughout this land is brotherly. It is therefore little wonder that every tourist upon sitting down back at home with an aim of listing the greatest things about Tanzania finds themselves listing Tanzanians' hospitality. A Tanzania safari will not be accomplished at least in terms of enjoyment and learning about the land itself if you don't interact with the locals. Tanzania's tourism is for sure headed for greater heights.

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