Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Visit Tanzania for a Luxury Safari

Why Choose Tanzania for your Luxury Safari?

A luxury safari in Tanzania is a truly unforgettable experience. This stunning country in East Africa contains some of the most arresting wonders of the natural world. Whether you wish to watch and photograph the incredible migration of wildlife that takes place on the Serengeti plains, or climb the famous peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, a safari in Tanzania enables a huge range of activities that live long in the memory. Expert guides will take you to key regions where you can lose yourself in the astonishing beauty of your surroundings. The culturally diverse populace can be viewed farming rice, wheat, bananas and coffee in the fields and fishing on the banks of Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake. A luxury safari in Tanzania also provides an excellent opportunity to watch indigenous species living in their natural habitat. One day you can see the chimpanzees play in Gombe National Park, situated in west Tanzania, while another day can be spent watching giant giraffes chewing leaves from the trees in eastern Tanzania's Mikumi National Park.

Scale the Majestic Heights of Kilimanjaro

Immortalized in Ernest Hemingway's short story The Snows of Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain at 19,341 feet is a riveting scenic climb enabling panoramic views of the plains that stretch out for miles into the distance. A dormant volcano, Mount Kilimanjaro must be visited during your luxury safari in Tanzania. A guide will assist you to meet the challenge of the climb, as you breathe in the fresh mountain air and stare in awe at the exciting environs. Camp sites and shared huts surround and dot the mountain and the rocky route affords numerous rousing photo opportunities to treasure once you return back home.

Witness the Spectacular Serengeti Migration on your Luxury Safari in Tanzania

Few sights can compare to the mass migration of animals that occurs in February across the Serengeti plains to Kenya and back again. A luxury safari in Tanzania at this time will allow you to follow this incredible event as part of a luxury mobile camp. In total, some two million antelope, wildebeest and zebra make the 1,000 mile trek, giving birth to their young on the way. The migration also provides the ideal hunting conditions for predators like lions, leopards and crocodiles, enabling onlookers to witness the African wild in all its raw intensity from the safety of the guide directed trekking party. Rich with enchanting natural beauty, a luxury safari in Tanzania makes for a magical vacation.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

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