Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lake Baringo

A fresh water lake located in the Great Rift Valley region, approximately 150 kilometers North of Nakuru town, lake Baringo is a must visit for the adventurous spirited. The lake is situated approximately 280 kilometers from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. The lake has seven islands within it; Samatian, Ol Kokwe, Devil's Island, Lokoros, Parmolos, Lengai and Rongena islands. Ol Kokwe Island is the largest of the seven islands and is a home for the local Njemp community.

The lake is a vast mass of faintly brown colored water due to slight soil deposits during rains; however, it is a habitat for various animals such as hippopotamuses and crocodiles. The hippos can be seen at dusk as they come out from their hide outs in the waters, and go to the lake shores to feed on the grass. On the other hand, the crocodiles can be seen with their mouths wide open as they wait for birds to come peck off their meal remnants from between their teeth. The crocodiles feed on the large numbers of fish found in the lake. The fish is as well used by the locals to supplement in their pastoral diet, the fishermen use small narrow boats made of hollow local indigenous trees.

Apart from crocodiles and hippos, there are many species of birds within the lake's surrounding area. The most well-known of these birds is the African fish eagle which can be seen swooping down on its prey at a very fast pace. The eagle first singles out the fish in the lake from afar, it then comes down swiftly and seizes the fish as it flies away. Other bird species found at the lake are horn bills and storks.

A visit to the local communities surrounding the lake will not only leave a visitor informed on their ways of life, but will also ensure one experiences an authentic feel of being a local community member, even if it is for a few hours. The dances are entertaining, their way of dressing interesting and interacting with them on a one-on-one basis is an experience one can find nowhere else. The main local communities to interact with at the lake area are the Njemps and Turkana, from the villages visitors can also buy locally made handcrafts.

Accommodation at the lake ranges from permanent camps, cottages, bandas, campsites, hotels, and lodges, some of these facilities are located on the lake shores while others are situated on the various islands within the lake. Located on a hill on Ol Kokwe island in lake Baringo is Island Camp a luxury tented camp. The camp has twin, double and triple luxury tents with en-suite bathroom. The tents have a great view of the lake and one is sure to view the sunrise. It is a perfect place for a honeymoon getaway as they have a big and beautiful honeymoon suite.

Activities at the lake:

• Boat trips on the lake can be organized at a fee, charged on an hourly basis.

• Bird watching

• Visits to Njemps and Pokot villages

• Water skiing and wind surfing

• Picnicking

• Walks along the lakeside

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