Wednesday, June 20, 2012

School Trips to Valencia, Spain

While on your school trips to Spain, a few days in the city of Valencia would be a valuable addition to your itinerary. Located on Spain's eastern coast, Valencia offers a variety of art, history, culture and entertaining excursions. The city was founded as a Roman colony back in 138 B.C. and has played an important role in Spain's history ever since. It is small enough to be covered on foot in a few days, but is still the third largest city in Spain. A visit here should certainly not miss out on some of the major sites such as the La Lonja de la Seda, then take a trip through the arts of the region at the important Museu de Bellas Artes before spending your final day cutting loose and having a bit of fun at the Aquaopolis or the Terra Mitica.

La Lonja de la Seda

Built between 1482 and 1533, La Lonja de la Seda (Silk Exchange, in English) is a late Valencian, Gothic style building that is a must-see on school trips to the area. The building was constructed for the Silk Exchange and is a stunning symbol of the power and wealth involved in the Mediterranean industry during this period. A striking example of this is the Sala de Contratación (or Trading Hall), with its large pillars and extraordinary proportions. The La Lonja is also the seat of the Cultural Academy of Valencia and serves as a venue for its events and other functions. The La Lonja was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.

Museu de Bellas Artes

This Museum of Fine Arts in Valencia is located at C/ San Pío V, 9 and is considered to be one of Spain's most important museums, and as such, it is worth a visit on your school trips to the city. The museum is housed in the College Seminary of St. Pius V Palace, which is itself an exceptional work of architecture from the 17/18th centuries. Founded in 1913, the museum has works of paintings, drawings, sculptures, and archaeological items, with the artworks mostly dating from the 14th-17th centuries. The annex that has been added in the 1990s, provided the museum extra room to exhibit a wider array of Valencian artists' paintings and drawings.

Aquaopolis and the Terra Mitica

After you have spent days in the heat and sun exploring the history and culture of the beautiful city of Valencia, why not have a break on your school trips and visit some of the most exciting attractions in the area? The Aquopolis Cullera, or Valencia Waterpark, is located just 30 minutes from the city and is literally awash with excellent water-based fun. You can enjoy racing water slides, cruise down the Amazonia River, or play in the rapids and the Black Hole - all while soaking up the Spanish sun. Or, if you prefer your fun to be drier, visit the Terra Mitica - located just south of Valencia in the city of Benidorm. Called the "only theme park in Europe" the Terra Mitica provides a variety of thrills and excitement with heart thumping coasters and rides for the adventurous, and a selection of tamer events for those who prefer not to send their hearts racing at every turn.

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