Thursday, June 7, 2012

Visit Lake Bogoria for a Wonderful Kenyan Experience

In Kenya, there are many tourist attractions lying in the Great Rift Valley. One of these attractions is Lake Bogoria. It is in the Lake Bogoria National Reserve but it is not managed by the Kenya Wildlife Service. It was established as a National Reserve in 1983 though it was opened to visitors in 1970. The lake lies about 280 kilometers northwest of Nairobi (about 5 hours drive) and about 25KM from the Lake Baringo Airstrip. It is at the centre of arid scenery that is awesome for the eyes. It is in the shadows of the magnificent walls of the Siracho Range. It lies south of Lake Baringo.

The National Reserve occupies 107 sq km. It is still volcanically active with spouting hot water geysers which continuously spurt out steam from the bubbling geothermal pools. The lake's average depth is only 25ft (8m). It has three islands, namely, Teddy Bear, Ol Kokwa and Gibraltar. The islands are accessible by boats which are provided by the lake's administrative authorities. The boats can take you to the lake's exploration centres, one of them being Kampi Ya Samaki.

The lake is home to various bird and animal species. There are Fish Eagles preying on flamingos, while the shores are dotted with Baboons, Gazelles and Zebras. Here, you will also get the rare chance to see the Greater Kudu.

The Njemps, a community living around this lake practice fishing which is their source of livelihood. They also offer exciting entertainment to visitors.

Along the western showline, blowholes and hot springs erupt infrequently rising to up to 3 meters into the air. They emit a pungent sulfur-like smell. The hot springs are a wonderful geothermal phenomenon, but they are dangerously hot. You will also smell cooking chicken meat, but don't be cheated by the smell. It comes from flamingos and other birds that accidentally fall into the extremely hot springs.

These hot springs offer natural organic spas to tourists.

The lake is also inhabited by hippos and crocodiles

Getting to Lake Bogoria

Getting to Bogoria can be challenging if you do not have private transport.

Many who go there do so through organized safari. You can also hire a car to take you to Bogoria. But the good thing is that there are many tour companies that will take you to Bogoria and other tourist destinations around the Kenya Rift Valley at a reasonable fee.

Lake Bogoria is currently a famous tourist destination with hundreds of local and foreign tourists visiting it every year.

From Nairobi, you can travel by road and make a stopover at Nakuru then proceed to Lake Bogoria. From Nakuru there is a diversion at the Nakuru-Baringo road. The road network from Nairobi to Bogoria is quite good so you will have a comfortable ride all the way.

Along the way to Bogoria, you will be able to enjoy roast maize from the locals and buy high quality honey at a fair price.

While here, you will have the chance to visit several picnic sites while savoring the magnificent backdrop of the Laikipia Escarpment.

The vegetation around Lake Bogoria comprises grassland, bush and ravine forests.

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