Wednesday, June 6, 2012

White Water Rafting - An Exciting Vacation Adventure

White water rafting is an adventure that can be loads of fun. But as with any activity involving the raw power of nature, you must be prepared. Don't worry if you are a beginner. Every expert rafter had a first-time experience.

There are excellent places all over the globe for white water rafting and everyone of them is different. Even the same spot is often a completely different experience depending on the season and the weather. So, before you get in the water, it's important to know your capabilities and the current conditions.

White water rafting rapids are rated in terms of difficulty:
Class 1 -Beginner
Class 2 -Intermediate
Class 3 -Moderate
Class 4 -Difficult
Class 5 -Advanced

Unless you have a lot experience and know your rafting spot well, it is always a good idea to go out on the rapids with a guide. Many outfitters provide both a guide for steering at the back of the raft as well as a spotter/observer up front.

Some rafting spots have really exceptional waves and you need to navigate them on a raft equipped with a motor. An example would be Arizona's Colorado River at the Grand Canyon or the Cataract Canyon. Many of these white water rafting spots are Class 5 so you better have a guide. You are not doing the actual paddling but the excitement is still there. It all depends on what you want out of the experience.

There are other sections of the Colorado River, like Westwater Canyon or Cataract Canyon in Utah, that have rapids more suited for the novice. This is also a great way to enjoy that spectacular southwestern desert scenery.

If you want to do the paddling, these are a few examples of some excellent white water rafting spots. The Gauley River in West Virginia.... California's America River and Kern River...the Arkansas River in Colorado...Idaho's Lochsa River and Snake River...the Housatonic River in Connecticut.

You can find some more milder Class 3 rapids on the Red Deer River in Alberta. Late May or early June in Canada is when the glaciers are melting and the water is really moving fast. This is the best time to go for the most white water action. Kicking Horse River in Golden British Columbia has some great Class 4 and 5 rapids.

When you investigate and sign up with a white water rafting company, be honest about your experience level. It's not unusual for the less experienced guides to be assigned to the more experienced rafters. As a beginner or novice level rafter you will want to have the most experienced guide possible.

If white water rafting is your idea of an exciting vacation experience then by all means, go for it. But learn as much as you can about it before you go. Pick your rafting spot and your guide carefully. Learn the safety procedures if you go overboard. Be prepared and then let loose and have fun!

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