Friday, June 15, 2012

The Women Travelling Solo

Don't let others decide for you!

Are you going to travel on your own? Aren't you afraid? - These are the most common questions asked to single travelling ladies. In fact travelling solo is not as dangerous as it might seem and it does not always mean that you will be on your own.

Nowadays, more and more women are travelling by themselves. Some travel because of passion, others because they simply don't have any other choice. It could be argued that single travelling is much easier. It is you who decides where to go and what to do; your choices are only dependent from your imagination. You choose your pathways in your own motion.

Where to begin?

Beginnings are always the worst. Most women are afraid of entering and exploring new ground. The anxiety about places they have never been to before might leave them in a frozen state. To overcome that, they need to replace the fear of unknown with curiosity. Then it only gets better. Once you've got your tickets you can stop the excuses, there is no way out!

The most important thing you will have to do before going on a singles holiday is to do a full on research on your chosen country and resort.

Can the women cope alone?

Despite the rumour travelling isn't harder for women then it has been for men. To the contrary indeed, in traditional societies locals are told to look after single travelling ladies. They welcome women to their houses, help them out and they show their sympathy. In my research I found out that women are actually more likely to stay in the private accommodations with the locals rather than sleep in a hotel!

What if you feel companionless?

As I mentioned at the beginning, travelling on your own does not always mean that you are alone. Yet again alone does not equal lonely!

Interesting people are all around us, and for a single traveller it is easier to make new relationships then for someone travelling in a group of people. The easy ways of starting the conversation are asking for a direction or place to stay overnight. Also you get chances to meet other single travellers, who look forward to some companion. These are very comfortable relationships, if you do not wish to be in touch with them any more you would just leave them and continue your journey.

The hard side of travelling solo.

Single travelling is always exciting however not always easy. Therefore, you would need to be a strong individual who is confident and not scared to face the problems that may occur while abroad and on their own.

You have to organise everything yourself. There is no one to look after you. As I said locals are happy to help, but sometimes there is a language barrier... However, don't forget that we leave in a modern world and globalisation touched already most of the places. It is actually hard not to find a place with an internet or telephone. Even in some Asian villages where people do not have sewer, running water or electricity, you can find people walking with their mobile phones!

There is a lot of information that you can find online and we advise you research as much as possible before booking your singles holiday.

You should always consider your safety!

If you are a single travelling lady, probably what worries you the most is safety during your trip. As any other traveller you need to be well prepared for any trip and know a little bit about the specifics of the country you travel to.

There are many websites out there which will help you find out what you need to know, including information and facts on the culture and history, what the local traditions are, things not to do while there, appropriate dress code, drinking in public, smoking law etc.

Some tips while for your single journey.

- Pack Light - most of the time you will be carrying your luggage. Take also into consideration the baggage restrictions. Most airlines have now weight limit of less than 23kg per bag.
- Always carry your mobile phone with you in case of emergency. Make sure that you inform the front desk of your hotel where you are going.
- Carry the sanitizer with you. Make sure that you check if you need the vaccines to the country you travel too.
- Dress appropriately - Check out in advance what constitutes 'appropriate dress' in the country you travel to. Pack yourself a pair of comfortable shoes and don't carry anything valuable that is not essential.
- Listen to the views of others but remember it is you who decides about your life!

Always prepare well for your holidays, get to know the places you are travelling to and be careful, always think, think and think! If you do all of that you will have the best holidays of your life!

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